Saturday, 27 September 2014

Extraordinary - Editorial Photography

Editorial Photography is a genre of photography that supports a written piece of work, such as an article in a magazine or even the cover, that is connected to it and comes alongside it showing how the two parts of work go together. It generally gives a perspective of what the written work is all about and possibly attracts the reader to buy the magazine to read and look at the piece. For my first assignment I am to create a series of editorial photographs that are considered to be extraordinary. Extraordinary: Beyond what is usual, regular or established, someone who is exception in character or in a degree and extent. Personally, with this definition, extraordinary could be classed as anything supported with the right opinion and reasons. However I think when you first see something and are instantly attracted and interested, then it already is extraordinary to yourself. For someone else to think it is extraordinary, I think it has to jump out and have a similar opinion in the subject, but on the other hand the text alongside it could also change the opinion of what you may of thought when just looking at the photograph alone. I expect this assignment to be challenging as I have no experience of editorial photography, but with the concept of it being 'Extraordinary', it will be a interesting and enjoyable.

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