Sunday 25 January 2015

Shoot 1 - Colour

The images above are from my first shoot on the Hasselblad using colour film. Using this camera was quite hard to get used to, clearly apparent in the photographs because none of them are in focus. I feel that Depth of Field was the issue because of the problem with focusing even though when capturing the images I thought that they were fine. The following people in the images are all strangers that I approached around Hartlepool town centre. They were all very friendly and were totally fine with my taking a photograph of them once I explained my purposes of it. Following on from my black and white 5x4 images, shooting strangers is an interesting experience that will either go really bad or good. Thankfully this shoot went okay and I did not have to ask many people to take a picture of them. I am overall satisfied with how these images have turned out, as it was my first shoot and I will hopefully do better on my next one. I plan to print a couple of these ones just to see what they come out like, which will hopefully might look okay and will be a good experimentation with my first time using the colour darkroom. 

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