Wednesday 11 February 2015

1.2 First Studio Session

For our first studio task in this module, we were set out to work in groups of 4 and shoot a type of fruit that was given to us. In my group (me, Elle, Lauren, Hannah) we were chosen to take images of lemons and an additional pineapple which was our choice. We chose our studio equipment and I used of one elinchcrom lights and a reflector to create the light in my images above and below. I think that as a very first attempt at food photography, I have styled to lemons very simply, which works as the images are supposed to focus on just the lemons themselves. Also having not much experience in the studio, I was confident in setting the lights up and knowing what setting to use ect. In my next session in the studio or when I am next shooting fruit, I will plan ahead and style them more successfully as I feel it could of been done a lot better with planning prior to taking the images, however as it is my first try I think it was a fortunate first try and has benefited my knowledge and understanding.

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