Tuesday 12 May 2015

Change of Plan.

After analysing my final shoot more thoroughly, I have came to the conclusion that I am going to use four different images for my ILA. I have decided to use a different image of a different purse/wallet instead of the same one. This is because I think that they look better as a series when placed next to each other when they are of different objects. Each image is then more individual and tells a different story, and appears more interesting. Although the three I have previously chosen do connect together and have a narrative, they did not flow as well as the ones I am now definitely using. My final images as a result of the ILA are presented below. I am really drawn to this idea of documentary still life and will continue shooting purses/wallets, so that i will end up with a larger series. I am happy with these images and have successfully achieved my learning agreement, in that I have produced a series of images that represent personal and sentimental objects.

Final three images as a result of my ILA.

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