Friday 3 October 2014


After discussing all of our idea's on thursday with Antony, I have finally decided on what I am going to focus on for this project on. Hearing everyone else's idea's made me feel more comfortable with what I am going to photograph and where, subsequently having a few complicated idea's that wouldn't work. The assignment is to simply target something that is close to us and also what no one else can access, so the idea of photographing where I work is what I am going to capture and achieve in producing. I am going to hopefully capture all aspects of the shop where I work, which is Psyche designer clothing store in Middlesbrough Town Centre. Starting from behind the scenes where no-one can venture apart from colleagues, photographing what I think is extraordinary and fit well in editorial terms, to then taking photograph's of the staff themselves. I am pleased with this concept now it has been discussed and finalised as I can go down many route's such as, documentary,fashion or portraits, depending on what will fit best with the term extraordinary.

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