Saturday, 4 October 2014

Mining Institute - Aaron Guy

On Thursday afternoon we visited the Mining Institute in Newcastle to listen to Aaron Guy, photographer and motion film maker, talk about some of his work that was commissioned by the Mining Institute itself. Other than his passion in the visual arts, his main interests are geography and geology, which are defiantly apparent in his work shown below. During the talk, I found Aaron's work very different but the more we were presented the more I began to be fond of it. It is clear to see that interests have brought out the best in his work because of how successful it seems to be. His project "Void." about a coal site that he grew up near, which is shown below, that was published in to a newspaper, with the images placed throughout, Aaron said the difficulties of this was the quality of the photographs. The colour would not be same they would not look as strong rather than in a photo book ect. But looking at this newspaper esque booklet, the grainy effect matches the photographs and gives the effect of dark, hardwearing material's which is what coal generally is. His work is definitely extraordinary, in the way he captures his subjects and what he involves, such as the elements and materials that is connected and what coal is made out of, making it seem like he successfully makes the most out of everything. Aaron's attitude towards his work was very professional and seemed like he has worked hard over the years with his photography and motion film, that he has linked together in his projects.

Images from

Photograph's below are of the Mining Institutes Library. Taken On my iPhone, edited in the app Afterlife, Filter: Relic.

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