Wednesday 1 October 2014

What do artists do all day? - Cornelia Parker

In our first lesson of Professional Studies we watched an episode of "What Do Artists Do All Day?" by the BBC. This episode was  about artist Corneila Parker who is generally a sculptor, but brings elements of photography into some of her Art work. The episode featured her working in her studio in London, on some of her latest work for her own exhibition in 2013. I found her personality very eccentric and flamboyant, which was present in the way of how she worked and what her art was all about. It showed her most recent work that was to be featured in the exhibition, that were sculptures of crack's in pavements of roads and paths in the places she walked on a day to day basis, that were made of bronze.
Image from:

Although her personality is very quirky, she still worked in a professional manner. The programme showed Cornelia in a working environment and how she interacts with other companies that help her create her art work. She presented herself very friendly but serious with the people who were surrounding her and constructing her work. I picked up on a sentence she said very pleasing about her profession and how "Art is a privileged activity" because it was clear to see that she loves doing what she does, building sculptures and capturing interesting subject matters and how she worked in a professional way resulting in a completed piece's of work that are featured in many galleries across the country making her a well known artist of today.

Cornelia's work also came across as extraordinary to me and linked in with our editorial photography work. Her work is very individual and is not like any other photographer or artists work. The way she works is also quite extraordinary because she shoot's literally anything and everything she comes across which I feel is a great way to work as Cornelia did not seem to miss anything in the programme we watched. The photography work she produces that was shown, presented a uniqueness as they had a meaning to them that fit in with everyday events, such as politics.

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