Thursday 20 November 2014

Portrait Photography Assignment

Portrait photography captures the expressions and personalities of people, whether it be of a single person or in a group. It can also include the full body of a person and not just a close up headshot. I think this is important in portraits because a lot of information and meaning can be displayed depending on what is including in the framing. Depending on the subject matter and concept of the photograph, it should be clear with what depth of field has been used. However other peoples opinions may differ from the original idea of the photograph, which is what I am going to keep in mind for this project. For this assignment I am to capture the faces of strangers, that are willing to be in my photographs. Using the 5x4 cameras, I am going to produce images that are considered to be portraits of my own personal opinion and style have to be of an individual person or in groups. The fact that the people in the photographs have to be strangers is going to be quite challenging, not everyone likes being in pictures and especially not if they are not going to see them or do not know who is taking them, however I am confident in going out and asking people and hopeful of capturing some interesting shots, that will be successful in portraying portraits and show my development through research of portrait photographers and work of my own. The idea of strangers being in my images seems more interesting than shooting people that I know, because I do not know these people or what they do or if they are nice people or not, which creates more of a challenge overall.

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