Thursday 27 November 2014

Shoot 2

Today (20.11.14) I went out shooting again hopeful to capture some more black and white portraits on the 5x4 camera. With a change of location, it was much more successful in capturing strangers passing by my set up. It seemed that out of the people that I asked to get in my images, only one man said no. As I only captured three images, it did not take me long to shoot and with careful consideration of who I was going to take pictures of, it was overall a successful shoot. Unfortunately when processing the negatives I did not develop it for long enough and came out a bit thin, but I will still be able to print them, which I am looking forward to. Overall I feel that I have successfully captured portraits that I can use and have been a development in capturing strangers and and skills in portrait photography. Below are my scanned images from this shoot.

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