Tuesday, 3 March 2015


Having a CV is very important to securing future jobs and partnerships and also making a good first impression on the employer. Without a CV you may lose a chance at a job you have always wanted and worked hard for. A quality CV will boost the chance of maybe getting an interview and eventually the job, so highlighting key skills and qualifications that are linked with the potential job. The presentation is also very important because you are not going to appear organised and skilled if the layout of the CV is not tidy and spacious. In the photography industry it is important to have different sections that focus on experience and awards that you may have acquired during your photography career. Employers will be interesting in any awards or commissions because it shows that you have experience in different ways whether it is connected to the use of software, studio environments or specialising in difference camera formats and also specific genres. Below are some key points I feel are important when writing a CV.

  1. Personal Details such as full name, address, phone number and email address are a must. Date of Birth is optional, but depending on the job it may be useful to include it.
  2. Summarising a personal profile of areas of interest and enthusiasms of the job you are applying for is useful, as it shows your eagerness and motivation.
  3. Key skills such as knowing how to use a computer or any other softwares or knowing how to work a till, show that you learned things from precious jobs and could be relevant.
  4. Education and Qualifications ar very important because it shows what you have achieved in previous years that are relevant.
  5. Make sure it is clear and concise, a good structured layout and a professional font. 

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