Monday 9 March 2015

Documentary Shoot

For my first shoot for documentary still life images, my idea was emptying contents of purses and wallets on to a plain background and arranging them to what fit and looked best. I thought that this was a good idea because people don't only just keep their money and cards in there wallets, sometimes personal objects and photographs are also often held in their. I think this can show the personality of an individual through what types of items they have, what loyalty cards and receipts are in there. Below are the 3 images from this idea that are required for this mini assignment, part . I think I have been successful in presenting my idea and have arranged the objects in a way so that you can see what they are and what the context is. From an audiences point of view, I think it is easy to see what my aim and intention to show that in the images are supposed to be an insight of the personality of the individual's purse/wallet belongs to. I think that I have also succeeded in producing still life photography in a documentary style, the objects are all placed individually and are on a plain background, drawing the viewers attention to the objects and its meaning. I originally shot the images in colour, but once edited I found that I preferred them black & white.

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