Monday, 9 March 2015

Documentary Still Life

For our third mini assignment for this module, I was set out to complete a series of images that represented and portrayed documentary style photography in still life. At a first thought, this seemed like quite the challenge as I could not think of anything off the top of my head that strikes me as documentary still life, or any photographers of this genre. However after a seminar within Jill, it became clear was was required of this and a few ideas were coming to my mind. During the seminar we looked at different still life photographers that showed this, such as Raphael Dallaporter who photographed Land mines on a simple black background, and Stephen Gill who collected betting slips and photographed them in the way he found them. All of the photographers Jill showed us seemed to have a personal element to them, in how they are related or have effected people who are associated with the objects that have been photographed or how that have been used. For our own mini project the context within the image is very important. Whether it speaks out to the audience just by looking at the images or if it comes with text or a title, it makes it way more interesting if the meaning is shown. Also we are to use only daylight when capturing my documentary still life images, which personally I prefer that using studio light and I feel it will make it look more real and connected to what the photo's will be about.

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